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Welcome to eWCCT - Empyrion Web Content Creator Tool

Choose your Tool

Here you can create and change Dialogues for your NPCs. You can create immersive Story tellers or even mini games with a bit of logic.

To configure specific Tokens for specific Doors or Container you need this Tool.

Manage your Localization.csv file for fast and easy adding/changing of your keys.


Welcome to eWCCT - Empyrion Web Content Creator Tool

Start fresh?

If you don't want to import any Dialogues files and start from scratch, just click on the left green + to create a new Dialogue and with that a new Dialogue journey.


If you want to import your Dialogues files, go to the

Make sure to also import your BlocksConfig.ecf and ItemsConfig.ecf for proper item suggestions and more. You can basically import your whole Scenario folder and eWCCT handels the rest

Done with all of that? Select a chapter in the left Chapter Tree. Have fun!


Welcome to eWCCT - Empyrion Web Content Creator Tool


If you want to import your Localization.csv file, go to the


Welcome to eWCCT - Empyrion Web Content Creator Tool

Start fresh?

If you don't want to import any TokenConfig file and start from scratch, just click on the left green + to create a new TokenConfig and with that a new Token journey.


If you want to import your TokenConfig file, go to the