![Empyrion Logo](rsrc/images/empyrion-logo.png)
If this has content, a Briefing-Intro is shown. Leave empty if you do not want to use an intro-briefing box (f.ex for Chapters that activate in a row and do not nee a ""info bridge"" other than the complete message) If DESCRIPTION is NOT empty, its content will be used as an ALTERNATIVE mission intro (only message window, no briefing-page)
It is possible to set your own custom Images for your Chapters and Tasks - and they are synced in MP!
Note: .jpg and .png files are allowed.
Note: You have to relog / restart your savegame to apply the changes.
Note: You have to re-import all images in eWPDA every time you clear your database. After that they stay even if you close your browser.
Note: If you want to remove a PDA image, you have to remove the image filename string and press ESC to refresh it. Same if you added an image.
General note: You can insert images only to Descriptions (Chapter or Action) with {image.jpg}. Those images must be in the proper PDA folder located.
If PREAMBLE is NOT used, this text will be displayed as a mission starter! NoSkip applies!
If you have a red border around your Action Description makes sure to type text in it or just update something in your text to retrigger the sync.
All items/Devices can be used with ITEM. Mission Container (DropBox), XP, UP, LevelIncrease and LevelTarget can be used with TYPE Reputation and ReputationTarget need to be used with TYPE
Note: do not use a negative count to remove items or the amount. This is currently only semi working.
With "TRUE" you can remove the "SKIP" button from the Chapter Start screen. The player only has the choice to accept the mission.
ATTENTION: NoSkip False only proper works if you do NOT set any Preamble.
If used on ChapterActivation it replaces the old "Auto" mechanism, if used in combination with a text.
Hides Tasks in the Mission Briefing (when PREAMBLE is used)
For the Group Property you must have the same PDA.yaml CSV key for multiple strings!
How to use:
Here you can define your custom group, which will then displayed in the game. That chapter is then put into this group. Helps greatly with organizing a lot of chapters. If you leave Group empty but have a Faction set below, the Group will get the name of the Faction you have set. If Group and Faction is empty the game will make a default "---" out of it and put that chapter into it.
Note: the Category ZiraxMission, PolarisMission and TalonMission are obsolete
and should not be used anymore! They will be removed from eWPDA.
Note: make sure your Groups are ordered in cluster together. If you have for
example two chapter in one group but they are not together grouped in the list, they will be
displayed twice in the list in the game.
Select or set here a NPC Faction from the Factions.ecf file. See the documentation about Group - Faction handling. If a faction is set, this will be taken for Visibility/Activatable ByReputation or Reward.
Defines Level for "Activatable" and "Visibility"
Amount is used basically on 2 situations
Used as an additional "IF" condition in terms of Visibility. Note that it is an "AND" logic.
Example: you have set "Always" in Visibility but "Akua" in Playfields mean, that the Chapter is only visible if you are in Akua.
Popup means in this context the dependency of Display: Bottom Middle Blue or Red. It does NOT work together with Center Middle Prompt!
It basically allows you to create a silent notification for the player, that he can activate the Chapter by himself by pressing F1.
Select a 'Dialogue Name:' entry from your Dialogues.ecf. This Dialog will then be opened as "Message" type..
Select a "Dialog Name" from your Dialogues.ecf, that the PDA listens to. NOTE: it HAS to be the LAST Dialogue state where OPTIONS are available. The option the player selects here will then be processed in the DialogOption field.
NOTE: this is mandatory if you are using DialogStartState for StartMessages for a ChapterActivation!!
When working with csv keys it's very helpful to directly see what the key stands for.
Set the number that the player chooses.
If Check = DialogOption it triggers, when the Player choose a specific Option from the Dialogues.ecf. You set the Option number in the Value field below.
Set the distance in meter when the event should fire. Usable in combination with NearUnit, NearPoi, NearResource.
The name of the playfield like it is added in sectors.yaml, not the folder of the playfield.yaml file! If playfield Name has spaces, just write it with spaces (no brackets needed).
Use the name of the playfield ads defined IN a playfield.yaml (This is NOT the folder name!)!
Distance in meter when the yellow waypoint should be visible in the HUD. Use -1 for infinite
Needs to be used with Visiblity: WhenRewarded. Set the Chapter you want to reward to players.
Display format: ChapterName;TaskName.
Needs to be used with Visiblity: WhenRewarded. Set the Chapter you want to reward to players.
Or for Tasks use the Property "OnlyVisibleWhenRewarded".
After you chose an item icon you can press ESC to get it updated in the main view.
If item icons are missing they get eventually in when I find the time.
Can only start ONE chapter.
If set to true this chapter will automatically activates itself (if VisibleOnStartPlayfields is set correctly for example).
If set to 0 the chapter can be repeated infinite times.
Shows the player a text if this chapter/task/action is completed.
Makes a chapter on a certain playfield visible that has the string in its playfield.yaml.
Requires entry 'PdaReferral:' in the playfield.yaml or playfield_static.yaml where the PDA command should work for; Can also be several strings.
If it is set, it activates a chapter when certain conditions (Checks like in Actions) are met.
You can have multiple ChapterActivation items but make sure to NOT have the same NearUnit name for all items.
A custom eWPDA Tag which translates just into Types in the PDA.yaml.
Note: Do NOT use multiple Types in combination with InventoryContainsCountofItem! Only 1 works.
One of:
Default is Info
Switch the Power of the structure on or off.
Possible entires:
General Reputation Level values:
Action Checks are the most important thing in the PDA but also the most complex one.
Names are mostly used for letting the game now what entity or object the check is about.
Note: Space POIs need the spawn name set in Names, NOT the Group name. For example together BlockDestroyed. Keep Names empty for a generic Type check and rather ask in previous Actions if the player is NearPoi. Note: if you use the Check "StarClassEntered" check the documentation for proper use of Names!Only useful in combination with the PlayerOps "InventoryOp". If set to true, the game is doing interal checks what item the player has in his inventory to be able to handle the PlayerOps "InventoryOp" properly.
Important eWPDA Notice: ⚠️Do NOT use the same CSV Key for a Tasktitle within the same Chapter!
Choose the style and format of your Start Message for Chapters. Similar behavior like for other Flex Messages (e.g. CompletedMessage).
Keep in mind some combinations:
If you create a Scenario with a definitive end you can show the player as last action an end screen with a custom image, predefined music and custom text. ONLY works if you fill all 3 fields with data!
Since the signal communicates with the PDA it must have a * (asterix) in front ingame (not in eWPDA). For example *AAA
This is just a comment field for your eWPDA, in case you want to comment on certain chapters / tasks / actions. It will be exported to the PDA.yaml but has no impact ingame.
How many troops should the TT holds / spawn on the ground?
Can be player or the name of a POI / Blueprint it should attack
Choose what the Troop Transporter should spawn. E.g. ZiraxMinigun. Import/Check your EClassConfig.ecf
Choose what Troop Transporter should be spawned. Import/Check your EClassConfig.ecf
Note: optional opv-level is not specified which results in the default of 1 being used
Can be player or the name of a POI / Blueprint it should attack
Choose what OPV should be spawned. Import/Check your Blueprints in Prefabs folder
currently only "AttackTarget"
allowed: "HoldPosition" or "AttackTarget"
TEMPORARY: this is the ONLY message field, that allows TextMeshPro format. Check the documentation about it in your LCD Screen. Example italic.
Put your endscreen image to your Scenario root path and reference it here. Example: preview.jpg
Choose one of the following (path + name)
Activate, Deactivate and Complete are your choice. However note, that OnActivate and OnDeactivate can be triggered by players at any time. That could lead to some exploits in certain circumstances.
This is a powerful option to implement typical missions like "find me something and bring it back to me". With InventoryOp you can give players items and take away items from them, based on criteria you set.
Activate, Deactivate and Complete are your choice. However note, that OnActivate and OnDeactivate can be triggered by players at any time. That could lead to some exploits in certain circumstances.
Use this for Checks that require Types.
Use this for Checks that require Names.
Basically the same as Required and NamesRequired in Actions but simplified to a boolean => true or false.
Basically the same as Required and NamesRequired in Actions but simplified to a boolean => true or false.
If set, this works as a pre-condition for the main Check. It basically saves you to add an action where you ask the player if he contains a certain item.
WARNING: Do NOT use RequiredInventory together with the Required or NamesRequired property!Used for example in PlayerOps > Type > Boost. It allows numbers.
NOTE: if used for PlayerOps > Status > SpeedMod, the number range is between 0 and 1 (float). Radiation is also a float. NOTE: Boost > ALL only accepts Remove.- when setting the Action parameter "IsOptional: true" that action is not required to be completed to
complete the task
- preferably, optional actions should be put at the bottom of the task's actions
- UI: optional actions will be displayed with square brackets, e.g. "[Example Optional Action]"
- when setting the Action parameter "IsOrdered: true" that action is configured as "ordered"
- all ordered actions within a task need to be completed top -> down (like the tasks of a
- preferably, ordered actions should also be put at the bottom of the task's actions - but before
optional actions (if a task uses both types)
- UI:
- ordered actions are displayed with a "> " prefix
- in PDA HUD (at right side of game screen) only those actions are displayed that can currently be
completed or are already completed
- in PDA window (F1) all actions are displayed to see (as before) what steps a task consists of
For Descriptions: click first in the Description text area and then on an image here in the gallery to insert it automatically.
For PDA Image: click on an image to copy it to your clipboard and CTRL + V in the Image Name field to insert it.
Hi Creators - RexXxuS here,
Thanks to a generous support, I unlocked 2 new pledges! You have now a nice gallery you can choose your images from and quickly add them to your Descriptions or other input fields. (copied in your clipboard)
The second one is to clear those images if needed from your browser database individually.
Have fun!
If you don't want to import any PDA files and start from scratch, just click on the left green + to create a new Chapter and with that a new PDA journey.
If you want to import your PDA files, go to the
Make sure to also import your BlocksConfig.ecf and ItemsConfig.ecf for proper item suggestions and more. You can basically import your whole Scenario folder and eWPDA handels the rest!
Done with all of that? Select a chapter in the left Chapter Tree. Have fun!